Transjuridique | Legal Translation Projects
Most recent French to English legal translations
translation of a shareholders' agreement (pacte); 15991 words
translation of the CNIL report proposing the imposition of sanctions; 15099 words
translation of an annual non-financial performance statement; 6079 words
translations of a German client's exchanges with the French tax authorities regarding tax adjustments and penalties; 14445 words
translation of pleadings and summary judgment / presidential court (Niger); 8243 words
translation of annual general meeting documents for a French publicly traded company (fiscal 2022) >25000 words
translation of a White Paper on GPDR and its effects; 2896 words
translation of interviews and analysis of an internal survey on employee activity in a French subsidiary of a Japanese conglomerate; >20000 words
translation of pleadings for labor court proceedings concerning a former employee of a French subsidiary of a Finnish group; 8785 words
translation of pleadings and judgment in a dispute for alleged trademark infringement by an international trademark; >20000 words